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Hey there folks! This week I'm back with the winner from the poll, the Ancient Catacombs (29x25)! This crypt will be the envy of every undead on the block as comes complete with various shrines and alters and better yet it's only slightly collapsed around the edges (don't worry, we can buff out those scratches). I've been looking forward to this one for a while because I've been itching to make a tiny little dungeon layout for a while (I love tiny dungeons). Hopefully you guys agree and want more, because I wouldn't say no to more like it ;) 

Next week I'll be heading down the list to the next highest post, the castle courtyard! I don't know how I'm going to do it yet, but leave that part to me. Oh, and make sure to check out the Adept post for this map, I've actually made two different versions of this map without the props and with a different palette (and both), making this an awfully versatile map actually. 

Patrons can find their extra version here!




Oh my god, if you made like separate rooms and corridoors to assemble maps out of that would be so cool. Amazing work as always tho! Love everything you do.


This was the map -- that lead me to your most amazing art! I'm going to have this printed up full size and will use it on the 4th of January at the local comic shop for RPG day. I put the map thru a filter too so I can print off a 'fool's map', that was found on the body of a grave robber... After coming here to check out the rest of your maps - I realized I have a lot more printing to get done and a lot more adventures tailored to these maps ahead of me! Great Stuff!


Your maps have gotten my party through quarantine with our online games - it's always a hit, the artwork is always beautiful and plays right into the scene, and you always have something I'm looking for when the story leads the party a certain way! I'm using this map and many others and wanted to reach out and thank you again!