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Hello everyone! I'm back with this week's map, the Swamp Path (30x28), which was next in line in the poll (make sure you've voted!). Normally I like to make the difference between the day and night versions very clear, but this time I felt the need to make them double as two different flavors of the same map (something which only works with swamp maps, I think). I put a little extra tlc into the night version, which is just more spooky (and darker of course) than the daytime one, so between the two you should have a nice selection for your swampy encounters. 

Hope you guys like it! I'll be back next week with a new one, but I'm not sure which one yet, there's currently a tie in the poll which means I get to choose my favorite of the two ;)

Adepts can find their post here!




Love it! Hoping for some urban maps eventually tho! :P


I love how tactical your maps are. I can easily see an ambush with multiple archers stationed on the smaller islands. Of course this ceases to be a problem as soon as the players start to get flight powers and most of them have ranged options, but those high level encounters are difficult to plan around no matter what the map is like.

Ignas Orlovas

My players are at the swamp right now. What a timing!


I will make movement which is not declared "Careful" (so, half of the regular movement as a regular action) a DC 20 acrobatics check. If a PC fails, he gets stuck in the mud and cannot move this round. Freeing himself is an athletic DC 15 check the next round. This, added to Bullywugs of the Saltmarsh Danger in Dunwater encounter, will be lots of fun!


Party was passing by to a safe town beyond the swamps with 8 other survivors, encountered Foglets (Homebrew monsters from the witcher universe) and they lost 5 other survivors. Was not a happy day for our heroes.