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Hello, Adepts and Experts! Remember that post from nearly a month ago where I asked for your recommendations of maps for me to return to? This is where that was going! For the first of these I went with the suggestion that got the most likes, 'Tiered Waterfall, but with a rickety rope bridge' (thanks for the idea, James)!

After this, I'll keep chugging away at your suggestions at a rate of at least once per month, and as with this post, they will always be completely free.  I truly appreciate all of you for giving me an extra buck or two and I want you to stick around, so hopefully, this is just gravy. 




This is one if my favorite maps. The angle is so unique and it really makes the players confront the perils of a waterfall head-on. Thank you for creating this new version. I recolored the psd to give it a bit more desert mountain vibe and its going to be perfect for an upcoming encounter. If i could be a pain for a second, (sorry) for vtt play making the bridge even just as a seperate png would also be very cool/helpful as you can make the bridge collapse etc. I love the idea of these revisited maps, and this is just a thought but adding elements as png’s may make them even more versatile? Its just a thought, but if that isnt your intention or is more work/a bigger pain then you want this to be, def feel free to ignore it cause im excited by the revisiting idea a lot :) thank you again!


"Bridged Waterfall.zip" isn't available.