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Hey there Adepts! Welcome back, your map this week is a stormy version of the Forest Clearing map. While this one looks like a very simple map I wanted to make sure it got its fair shake, so I made sure to spend time really thinking about it. 

1. While the idea of this map is simple, I think placement of trees is still important. I wanted to place clearings in key places that might make for distinctly separate battlefields, or perhaps just different areas that the fight might evolve into. I dropped waist height cover in after this stage as I wasn't too sure myself where I wanted to place it, but I feel that that sort of thing is better placed naturally rather than pointedly.

2. Now that's what I call trees. I don't like duplicating objects, but ain't nobody got time to draw up all these trees individually. Of course I try not to be too obvious about it, it's hard to notice duplicate trees when half of the tree is off the frame, though I think I should have paid a little closer attention to this as I am notice a couple repeats. What can you do, I guess? 

3. Colors! I just love shading green, there's nothing as nice as yellow fading into green fading into blue in my opinion. I always focus on making things that look cool rather than realistic and color is at the root of it. 

I was tempted to make this an autumn-colored forest, but I thought an alternate stormy clearing would be awfully dramatic and I couldn't resist ;) If you guys would like to see that, let me know as I don't think it would be that difficult to re-color this now that I'm really getting into the swing of things. 

Oh, I almost forgot the outlines-only version of the map! It's outside of the zip (I just threw it together), so don't forget it as well!





The highest quality forest clearing map I've seen yet. I especially like the shading of the grass in the stormy version. Absolutely love it!!


Glad to hear it! The shading was a bit tricky for the stormy one, especially since I hate making anything too gray, but the grass definitely came out very well :)


I absolutely love these little behind the scenes posts, as a not-really-an-artist it's cool to see something besides the final product.