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Hey everyone, here's what I've got for you this week: the runner up to the poll, a burnt down farm! It ended up being a bit more thatch-roofed cottage-y as I worked on it, but I think it's got a nice vibe to it. This is my return to slightly bigger maps, but let me know if you would rather I stick to somewhat smaller ones!

Old farm houses are my go-to for traveling encounters, so hopefully this one comes in handy for your campaigns. Perhaps the perpetrators are still lingering about the farm, or maybe you can catch them in the act! 

The idea for this one came from my personal campaign I'm running, and in fact from the very first session! I wanted to offer my players a quick combat on the road, bandits looting a merchant's wagon by an old burnt down farm house. One thing led to another and my players struck a deal with the bandits to split the loot (the bandits claimed they just found the wagon like that, maybe they aren't that bad?).  

Adepts can find their post here!




Attacked a party with witches and scarecrows on this battlemap. They had a blast! Thanks for the inspiration.


Used this map as the setting for Goldenfields battles from SKT. <3


20x20 for anyone on Roll20


Used this map as part of the wake of a gnoll warband


This would be a good one to get an updated adept and expert version of with the nighttime feel.