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Hi! Here's my first Behind the Scenes, the format may change for these as I learn more about Patreon but as for now let's just jump into it!

I made the map a couple days ago, before I thought of having behind the scenes pics, so these are gathered afterwards (5 minutes ago). In the future, there will be more in between these steps, but hopefully you enjoy these as they are!

1. The first rough sketches. Mostly just blocking out the shapes, this stage isn't supposed to be pretty and just detailed enough to get the point across.

2. So there's a bit of a jump between 1 and 2, I know haha. In the future there will be a bit more buildup to this stage. I start with thicker, more consistent outlines and then move in for finer details. The tomb on the left side turned into a very large above-ground grave with a dragon symbol on the surface. I like to imply a bit of story with my maps, and I think this is a neat little way to spark some imagination.

3.Boring stage, blocking out colors. This takes a bit of time and I never enjoy it much, but it's always nice to see it with some colors.

4. Some more detail in the colors, a little bit of texture. I'm not a fan of over-detailed textures in battlemaps so I try to keep mine simple.

5. And final touch-ups! When I say touch-ups, I mean I changed my mind at the last second about my palette and started tweaking things. I like the change to a more dry, late summer feeling, I think it goes well with the grave theme.

And that's that, keep an eye out for my next post!



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