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Full Watch Along reaction to Dragon Ball Super 38



Goku while being a doofus in general is actual a genius when it comes to martial arts. He's just too lazy and uninterested in trying to apply it on anything besides fighting. The gears were already turning in his head when he was watching Vegeta's fight and the pointers from Jaco and Galactic King just helped plan his next moves. Really excited for you guys to see the end of this fight!


Funny enough, Hit isn’t the first time manipulator in the show. Besides him and Whis, way back in abridged, Guldo from the Ginyu Force was able to stop time. A way better technique than skipping 1/3 of a second, but it also had its drawbacks, such as not being able to breath during the time stop so he had to hold his breath. So it only lasted as long as he could hold his breath. To bad for Vegeta he didn’t have any doggy treats to throw at Hit.