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Vote // OC Art January 2024

  • Elsa 17
  • Deanna 8
  • Rey 19
  • Aurora 12
  • 2024-01-02
  • —2024-01-09
  • 56 votes
{'title': 'Vote // OC Art January 2024', 'choices': [{'text': 'Elsa', 'votes': 17}, {'text': 'Deanna', 'votes': 8}, {'text': 'Rey', 'votes': 19}, {'text': 'Aurora', 'votes': 12}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 1, 9, 13, 17, 10, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 1, 2, 13, 10, 36, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 56}


Hey guys and all the best in 2024!

With this being said, I invite you to take part in my first OC vote! As mentioned last month, I will now be roatating each month between Art of Lana votes, OC votes and fanart votes.

You choose who you want to see and I will choose what art we will get~! If I get enough time there will be alt versions :) some OCs I will deviate towards suggestive art, tasteful nudity or softer erotica, or maybe not erotica at all. But I want to keep it interesting :)

This month I got for you this set of lovely ladies. They all vary in personality and bodytypes a lot!

Elsa - a calm and collected mature woman
Deanna - a young and rebelious punk/goth
Rey - the shy, pure and immature one
Aurora - a strong and big, confident and dangerous woman

Vote away! I am curious who will win this round :)



If I can't have Frannie at least I hope we get Rey UwU


I didn't want to put Fran against Rey in a race so I decided to keep her for the next Oc vote :)


Is the app buggy for anyone else trying to vote? It keeps resetting to 18 after I vote.