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Hey guys!

On fire with the votes for a change :) My dear Pandamoniums have spoken and we've come up with some themes for an artwork with Lana for January and celebrating the new year or following a winter theme!
Please pick which one you'd like to see me draw <3 Vote open until Christmas :)

Thank you for all your suggestions, I love them! Hard to pick only 4, but I went with situations that I personally would most like to find myself in! :)
I would totally want to own a virgin killer sweater with tacky Christmas patterns, awesome :D And all the rest is just so realxing, I'm sure I will feel better just by drawing them alone!

Can't promise it will be done on the 1st, as I can't really tell if I will have enough time, but I will certainly try!



These are all so good it's hard to pick one.