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hey guys!

I'm writing to let you know about my Christmas plans and the holiday break I will be taking. As most of you already know, I have family in 2 distant cities, so we always spend the holidays on the move. This year is no different and we will be visiting our parents in law first and then my parents - starting on the 17th or 19th we will be leaving for Lublin to the in laws and helping mom in law prepare Christmas while she plays with her grandchildren, that she so rarely gets to see.

We don't exactly know when we will come back home, but probably something like 28-29th, so I will be back in time to draw one last art in 2022 :D Wonder who will I be drawing? Not sure yet!

I will be taking my iPad with me, so if I get some time to myself I will definitely draw some sketches, but I also want to try and spend some time with my husband, cause we lately only spend time with kids as we split duties between the two sons and when one looks after the toddler, the other looks after the baby and we don't even get time to talk :(

So this and next week will be the last weeks when I will try to keep up the art coming and then I will be taking a holiday break. If I manage to draw something in it - great! If not, I gope I can make up for the lost days once I'm back on the new year's with some fancy Lana starting the year for us! :)

I'll organize a vote (for all 6$+ Patrons) in a week with a choice of new year themes for her to be drawn in, so you'll help me decide! <3



I wish you wonderful holidays Lana!


Hope you have a great holiday


Happy hollidays!