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Hey guys!

Today I present to you another macro piece I did for Codydog :) Hope you like seeing this cute big girl! And hope you had a good Halloween. I didn't even notice it was already the end of the month haha

I have all the timelapses of this month's work already done and I will submit them when I have time x_x so far no luck, I barely scrape time to do some drawing. And sorry, but I won't be sending Patron packs, as I simply have no time to prepare them :( You'll have to access my work through the feed, which I try to update as often as I can.

Thank you for your understanding, as I try to get control of my life while being a mom of two and while also keeping the house to a relatively livable standard.




This is good


Oh my! So much lady to love! ❤️❤️❤️