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Hey guys,

Posting a little update here. Me and my entire famile have been down with some really nasty sickness since Friday. My entire house is a hospital - I'm sick, my hubsand is, my toddler and my mom are too. We are all in agony for the past 5 days and it doesn't really seem to be getting better.

My husband is going to get the blood results today, so we will know for sure if it isn't Covid, because the symptoms are kind of really severe and similar to the ones presented for Omicron. The Covid test my husband took was negative, but who the hell knows :D

Either way it's something terrible. We are all broken and still have to have enough strenght to take care of my toddler, so we take turns and that also makes us unable to properly rest to regain health.

I'm now 7 months pregnant, so I can't really take almost any kind of medicine and the prdiod of time where I could take Iburofen has alreayd run out 2 days ago. So I just suffer without medicine : ) Cause all those pregnancy meds are just plant based nonsense that doesn't make a diference.

And of course I need to keep up my special great diet, so I am actually in agony.

Posting this update so you know what's going on. I hoped I will be able to do something today, as I felt a bit better yesterday, but after another rough night of sweating, caughing, a runny nose and my toddler waking up every hour or so, I am absolutely devastated.

I actually have no idea when I will be able to get back to drawing. This bad fortune cycle seems like it doesn't want to stop. I had so many plans to fulfill yet and the Universe just screws me over lately all the time T^T



Sorry that you and your family are still not feeling well and that it's impacting you really hard. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family and hope that you all get better. Also take as much time as you need to focus on you and your family and getting better. We'll always be here in spirit hoping and praying for the best for you all 🙏


Damn... seriously sad to hear this. I hope you and your loved ones get well soon. And don't worry about creating content, seriously just take your mind off of work and get well.


I hope everything will get better soon :'(


Apparently, the latest variant is incredibly infectious and has symptoms that mimic meningitis: stiff neck, fever, irritability, sensitivity to light, et al. If you're experiencing any of that, that might be it.