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For anyone who is not in discord, I post this update here.

Hey guys, a fast update from me. On Saturday I landed in the hospital, after an exhausting day. I started having some way too early contractions that threaten my pregnancy and will be kept for at least till Friday... Will see how it goes from there. For now I need to stay to make sure I don't go into labor and lose my child. It will of course postpone all my plans of going back home and to work.

I'll keep you updated as to what happens next. I'm scared and miss my child. He's not allowed to visit, casue he is too young and we've never been apart for longer than a few hours. Now it's been 3 days and it's terrible.

I do hope everything will be fine, I, can't imagine losing my pregnancy do far into it. Luckily there are measures that can be taken against it, but they require time.

Thabks for all your support and I look forward to everything going back to normal



Thoughts and prayers with you Lana, hope you make a fast recovery and everything returns to normal soon.


Im wishing you fast and best possible conclusion to this visit. Stay safe


😭😭😭 Take super care of you and the baby! I hope you'll get well soon ❤️


Hey take care and don’t worry about us! Hope it all turns out okay


I hope, you and the baby will be fine. Get well soon and take your time!