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Hey guys,

My husband was so kind as to treat me to a live drawing session for my birthday last week. It was amazing and I feel I learned a lot. I hope I will be able to attend more sessions with diferent models in the future. It really helps me understand anatomy in 3d way better than any kind of photographs can.

I'm posting the results for anyone interested.

The first image (3 poses) is a warmup with each pose taking 1 minute
2nd image - 5 minutes
3rd - 10 minutes
4th - 15 minutes
and the last pose was a full hour study

I highly recommend anyone willing to learn to draw to attend this sort of events, they are just great!




These look beautiful Lana


These are wonderful! I’ve been dying to go to one of these


This sounds lovely Lana, it does look like you had a great day! :D


He looks dope af!


This is so cool!♡

Ohad Kanne

Looking great! And sounds like you had a wonderful time ^^