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Hey guys!
It’s Friday! That means it’s comic day! Hope you enjoy the newest page I prepared for you~

Despite my illness I managed to finish the next page :) Spent a fair bit on the details here! Bakcgrounds and water effects. Hope you enjoy~


❤ A special shoutout and a milion thanks to my editor, beta reader and lovely friend Aksan!

❤ A special thank you to my lovely husband for being my everyday support as well as to my special Patrons: Brushfire and his dear wife, Sage Catori, Huffzie and to all of you! Thank you for making this dream slowly but surely become reality :)

❤ Thank you ever so much, my lovely beta readers: Voidsung, Lyra and Xionix ~ for making sure my awkward writing is only as akward as the plot needs it to be!
I am truly blessed to have a lovely bunch of supporters who enjoy my art and make me want to keep going and improving.



Chux Quest

I get it! I get the toilet joke now. Took me a minute.


That eyes. What happen on the drink before, all is a mistery

Chux Quest (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-28 16:31:09 Ok, I will try, but it will sound technical and I'm sorry I can see English may not be your first language. 1) I didn't expect to see toilets with neon signs over them. 2) they appear to refer to the size of the user 😉. 3) they follow the typical order of Small, Medium, L ... except they flip the last one, keeping the L and R sounds but poke fun at the user for overstating his size. 4) so one's brain is expecting a certain word rhythm of small to medium to large but gets tripped up by subtly changing the last word to Liar.
2022-01-28 14:32:51 Ok, I will try, but it will sound technical and I'm sorry I can see English may not be your first language. 1) I didn't expect to see toilets with neon signs over them. 2) they appear to refer to the size of the user 😉 and on closer inspection appear to be different sized fixtures as well. 3) they follow the typical order of Small, Medium, L ... except they flip the last one, keeping the L and R sounds but poke fun at the user for overstating his size. 4) so one's brain is expecting a certain word rhythm of small to medium to large but gets tripped up by subtly changing the last word to Liar.

Ok, I will try, but it will sound technical and I'm sorry I can see English may not be your first language. 1) I didn't expect to see toilets with neon signs over them. 2) they appear to refer to the size of the user 😉 and on closer inspection appear to be different sized fixtures as well. 3) they follow the typical order of Small, Medium, L ... except they flip the last one, keeping the L and R sounds but poke fun at the user for overstating his size. 4) so one's brain is expecting a certain word rhythm of small to medium to large but gets tripped up by subtly changing the last word to Liar.