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I am afraid I don't have many good news today. The flu we caught seems to be a very very vicious one. It made a whole circle. I got sick on Monday, my husband on Wednesday and my mom on Friday. During the weekend my toddler hit fevers of 40 degrees at night and we haven't gotten any proper sleep since we got sick. And now the full circle has been done and since yesterday both me and my husband are sick again (not catching things from a toddler is impossible)... And I have a very sick child on my hands.

I will be trying to at least do something today and I will see what I can even accomplish.

My child is very very feeble and he wants mom to hold and hug him all the time now, so it's going to be a challenge.

 I am very sorry and I am extremely stressed that this is how this month turned out to be. I feel powerless, sick, depressed and tired. I will see how much I can get done.

Once again, I'm sorry. I won't be able to complete all my month's obligations becasue of this awful break, that will probably last 2 weeks in the end. Half a month of struggling to stay alive, eh.

Thank you to everyone who supports me through this hard patch. I could really use some good news right now, but it seems like all I get is lemons lately.




Good luck. Don't worry about us. Zdrowia dla was w szczególności dla maleństwa.


More important is you and your families health, take care and I hope you all feel better soon.

Fox Daddy ?

Health your and your family is important to us too, because artists need to have safe and comfortable space around yourself. Take care and I keep my fingers crossed for you!

Stinky Jenkins

Make sure you & your family drink plenty of green tea with honey. I would also suggest hot foods like miso soup, chicken noodle soup & oatmeal with honey.


Family comes first. Rest and reassure the little one. We can wait


Family first!! We can wait on your artwork until you get back on your feet, take care of yourself


Hope you feel better soon! Sorry for the situation you're in, I hope it doesn't last long.