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Hey guys!

Let's start the month with yet another lady! This time an arctic fox.

Her name is yet to be decided. I am tilting towards Cornelia, Raven or Scarlet. Or maybe Ophelia?

As all arctic foxes, she has 2 coats. A nice warm and fluffy one for winter (which she's rocking now) and a darker tone for summer. She really hates winter, casue she gets all fluffy and cuddly and the 'death and suffering' just isn't there. And she's all about that goth.

She has very long hair that is a complete mess in the morningsm as is her entire fluff. And I feel maybe it also should be a bit more puffy and thick than on this sketch.

Winters she dyes it white, summers she dyes is black and becomes the favorite black goth version of herself. And on witners she just goes into full white-goth or Bubble goth. I am not an expert on goth, so the terms are a mystery to me yet :D

She drinks lots of coffee, but she seems always tired. Unless you make her angry, then she's a volcano. Not too affectionate in public, she can be really cute when she likes you and might even let you in on an ear rub with her tail wagging.

Occassional smoker. Works at a coffee shop.

Hope you enjoy her as she develops in the future sketches~




I like Ophelia ^^ it suits her


Really like Ophelua too


I like the sound of Ophelia.


ʕ ꈍᴥꈍʔ absolutely love it wen u do foxes! I would go with Ophelia