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hey guys!

Today I am starting a new week with a bit of character designing. I am certain this isn't yet her final iteration, I will keep working on her design to make myself happy, but... I'm pleased to introduce you to my arctic hare girl!

Her name is not decided yet, but I am thinking of Carla, Abby or Marceline (Marcy).

As an arctic hare she changes her coat from winter to summer and I suppose she needs to be a little fluffier in her winter coat (so that's a first thing to be fixed on her next sketch :D).
she pays attention to what she wears, she loves colorful accessories and fruit and candy themes for her clothes. She changes her hair color often. She takes selfies wherever she goes and she keeps her social media profiles updated at all times. She won't eat the thing unless she's taken a picture of it. And she eats a lot. And unhealthy. Dessert is her favorite meal of the day and she loves everything with cream on top. She keeps herself in shape thanks to everyday morning jogging. She's got them long hare legs, so it's not too big of a deal, but she does come back demolished each time.
she wakes up looking fabulous (remeber that one? https://i.pinimg.com/originals/26/95/a5/2695a50e8893e6e20379111eaf808406.jpg that's what she's like)

She is overall cute and bouncy, but if you cross her she will fuck you up!
Being a hare she is slightly taller than an avarage bunny girl :D I'm thinking around 170 cm, nothing too big, but definitely taller than, well, me.
Big ears, big breasts, big eyes!

Hope you enjoy my character design skills this morning.




She looks pretty cool!

ZePompom (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-15 21:13:06 Awwww <3
2021-11-15 19:38:43 Awwww <3

Awwww <3


Bunnies are so frickin adorable.