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Hey guys, 

I'm afraid i got some rather bad news. 

This month is already very hard for me to work. My mother in law just went home but my mom (who is my babysitter) called me  and she is sick (not covid it seems, but we will need to see) and cannot arrive to take care of my toddler. This means she will arrive next week and this week i will be alone with him, so I'm afraid I won't be able to do much work.

I'm very sorry this month doesn't turn out as productive as the previous months, but it's been very hard with many distractions. I will be making the daily sketches for sure, in the evening when my husband gets home from work this week, so he can look after Ambrose.

I will try my best to get back to being productive the first chance I get and I hope next month I can make up the lost time.

Thank you for your support and once again, sorry for delays :( this is beyond me and if I could so anything about it, I definitely would.

I see so many things I need to yet complete this month, but I hope I can at least get some of them done. If I don't manage, I will surely continue working on them next month. 

I hope you understand.

Below I list things I still hope i can finish before the end of June :

1. Shirou fanart (1st version almost done) and alternative versions

2. 2x refined sketches from last month's vote

3. Patron Sketch commission for Blueberry wolf (drafting) 

4. 'Exposed' ych (currently coloring)


Brighttail Faux Pas

Life is life and it happens frequently. I'm sure we all understand perfectly and hope that things settle down at home soon. Thanks for the update and I hope you enjoy a little extra time with your little one. :)