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Mac visits San Francisco!



S Munson

It's Lots better than Godzilla !!!

S Munson

Oh Oh Oh!!! Wouldn't it be cool if he placed his meatus right on the roadway and cars would go up his schwang!!! Moohooheehaha 😈


I don't know if he'd want car exhaust fumes inside of his glorious cock!

S Munson

Don't grasp at chopsticks. 🥢 It would remain insignificant.


I know, lol! 😂 I didn't notice all the cars were on the left side until I posted these pix!


Oh! Or did you mean his *cock* is not the exit ramp! Lol! 🤣

S Munson

We only have Uranium forks, over in the bomb shelter over there ▶➡📢📣


Oooh, maybe the radiation will give me cool superpowers - like super strength! ☢💪 Not something dumb like projectile acne...

S Munson

Ewww!!! Or you could have the ability of instantly having your finger and toe nails shoot out as weapons!!!