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"How'd that thing get in here? OMG! What is he doing!?"



Thomas Polk

That's quite a predicament!


Who do you call in a situation like this? The police? The Army? Animal control? 😆 And what do you imagine will happen next? 🤔

S Munson

It's recommended by the Society of Athletic Orcs that their membership stay out of Human gyms just for this reason. Invariably there will always be at least one Human in the gym when there is an Orc present. And Orcs will utilize Humans as part of their workout regimen without the Human's permission. Orcs do not use the showers or the locker rooms. Front offices of all gyms have the phone number of the Society to advise.


Orcs don't use the showers because of their delicate sensitive skins - humans use such harsh chemicals to clean themselves!