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What do you mean you must have, "mispronounced His name?" Who in Hell were you trying to summon anyway!?



S Munson

Your caption is hysterical!!! Sounded like me relating a recipe to a friend over the phone! What?What was that last thing?No, the one before it?350 HOURS!!!Oh, degrees! Only yours is funnier...like you are 😵😨 {smirk}

S Munson

PS- Oh and your Daemon is HOT!!! Now, why to you spell Daemon instead of Demon??? What tis be the diff???


{snicker} 😋 Thanks! Glad you thought it was funny - I hope it would be!


Daemon looks more mysterious and arcane than demon - that's all. 😈

S Munson

Arcane. You make me google a word? Who but Pratev uses arcane in a sentence!!!!!!!! You're so mysterious and deep and arcane!!!!!!!


It's what pirates say when they trip on someone's staff, "Arrrr! Cane!" ☠️


I almost used the word 'eldritch' - but I thought that was a bit too uncommon and not really quite the right word for what I meant. I like that word though - it's a good word! But my favorite English word is either 'coprolite' or 'defenestration' - in both cases, just because "there is really a *word* for that in English?" 🤔 Huh!

S Munson

Well, what I found out is, and I know you already know all this but there are innocent followers who don't know what you are talking about! So, eldritch -strange or unnatural in a fearful way. Arcane - mysterious and deep, In this instance Eldritch would have fitted better. As far as coprolite - fossilized dung!!!d I would dehydrate it in my mouth with my saliva!!! and defenestration - throwing someone or something out the window. Well, throw that coprolite defenestration ... or something I'm so cornfused 🙄😶🥴


Innocent followers? I don't think I *have* any innocent followers! 😈

S Munson

You were very snarky 9 hours ago!!! Embrace the innocent!!! They will always be SFW! ALL the rest are NSFW! See how I broke it down for you 😊