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Vote on the stories you want to see continued most. The most popular stories from last month aren't on the list because I'm already writing chapters for them. Happy voting!



I like to think of the popular and the not as popular stories as kind of like stock on a shelf on a store. Sure the popular brand you put more of it out there and order more of it regularly but having that variety that some branch out to, or are some of our regulars is just as important. Dangerous Games I like because it gives us a slowed down time with Narcissa and brining her into the school dynamic leads to some fun drama or exploration of the other pairings that might be brought into the very loving relationship. Granted she is more of the driving force of adding in and Harry seems more content with what he has and a if you are okay with it and it will make you happy dear which isn't every persons spot on wish fulfillment. But it's a nice branch out. While the kids are away is a fun exploration of PQ's AU and going in depth to a Hermione and Harry Marriage and adult problems after Hogwarts. Slave for you (not on this list sadly) is a really great alt pairing as who is primary in Harry's relationship brings in the Bones' and really sets up dynamics in a way that a lot of authors have which is pure dysfunction with treating things like a forgone conclusion. reluctance, desire, tension release all in a nice homey dom/sub kinda of way. In other words please still come back to these. I love them!


All the above but I’m just so interested in what harry will do in 30 days.