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Happy voting!


Well, it didn't get picked last month, so let's try refining it a bit. Harry gets hauled into a Gryffindor girls' sleepover, either because of a dare or to be a judge, and very smutty lighthearted things happen after that.


Katie Bell has just rejoined the Gryffindor team after her encounter with a cursed necklace, and is feeling like she might not measure up anymore. But team Captain Harry Potter pulls her aside in the lockers afterwards for a pep talk. One thing leads to another and shower shenanigans ensue.



After the war, Azkaban is full to capacity, unable to take anymore inmates, and because of this Narcissa is sentenced to house arrest instead of prison. With Lucius and Draco locked up, Narcissa is entrusted to Andromeda, who is living with Harry in Grimmauld after the Tonks house was destroyed.

Locked up inside, with little to do but help look after Teddy and talk to her jailers, Narcissa starts to move away from pureblood bigotry, reconnects with her sister, and realizes how much she has missed being a mother….. leading to her wanting more children.



Following the war, Hermione secretly takes part in the wizarding world equivalent of OnlyFans (which sends out moving photographs and other benefits to subscribers via owl-post) as a way to supplement her income as a junior at the Ministry. Harry finds out and they start doing porn together, becoming the most popular porn stars in the wizarding world.



3rd year. Malfoy has the brilliant idea to have Pansy seduce Harry the night before the Gryffindor/Slytherin quidditch match, in an effort to get him off his game. Only problem is, her seduction attempt is a little too effective... oh well, let it not be said she isn't willing to take one for the team!

sam Brown

Harry and Hermione have moved into a house together and are looking for a third roommate. Enter Daphne, Hermione and Daphne hit it off immediately. Harry has been living like a hermit since him and Ginny broke up. Daphne and Hermione decide to do something about it. Now Harry keeps coming home from work to find them sunbathing topless, or in other states of undress around the house. How long can Harry hold out?



Oooo 35% and 37%

Pen Jr. Jr.

If the Toby prompt loses, is it still possible to have it written in the future?