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Hello dear Patreon supporters!

Some of you might remember a drawing I did one year ago for Valentine's Day: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/40625802/ https://www.deviantart.com/sagabel/art/Masked-Lovers-870338874

And now, for this Valentine's Day, I decided to make a full comic prequel!

Anita has a fun gift for her boyfriend Bert: a female bodysuit! Entering in a bodysuit of her own, they become two new girls, Fatou and Rosalind! And still loving towards each other...

(Do not share this elsewhere before 21st February 2022, thank you! ^^)




I absolutely adore how they're enjoying each other's company as they put on the suits, and I love the final frame with how they're looking at each other so lovingly. Perfect for valentines day! Very cute!

Brianna Domina

Is it wrong to say I’m jealous of this open and playful relationship?;)