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Well, Commission submissions are all collected, and I've selected the ten submissions that I'll be doing this round. It was easy this time because... well, there were only twelve submissions! Which is surprising, honestly; usually they come rolling in real fast after I announce them.

That said, since the number of submissions was much lower than expected, I decided I'll just save myself some time and do all twelve submissions! Thank you everyone who sent in their requests!



im sorry to hear you only got 12 submissions, what do you "normally" get?

W C Purdy

huh. That's weird that you got so few this time.

The Patient One

That is surprising. Here’s hoping next time is more abundant, or at least stays the same.


well last time I got nearly 20. In retrospect, last time I also sent out reminders every day, whereas this time I didn't do that nearly as often.


Yeah, in hindsight, I should have posted reminders more often than I did.

Cedric Moon

Maybe it's the wrong time of year (summer vacations)! Or a mixture of both (summer + lack of reminders)!


Too hot, many brains are melted, can't focus to make descriptions. XD