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Started up working on this one again after putting it off for so long. Thus far I got most of the lines and flat colors down; just need to add the lighting and shading, and a few other key details.

As for the design itself, the High Priestess is largely a symbol of inner wisdom, divine knowledge, and hidden mysteries, portrayed as a sort of guardian of the subconscious mind. Behind her normally stand two pillars, usually one black and one white, symbolizing duality. Here I've re-imagined them as a pair of old-fashioned supercomputer banks, and the sacred, hidden information they hold as magnetic tape reels. The Moon phase designs of the reels themselves are a reference to how the Moon is the celestial body associated with the High Priestess, the Crescent Moon specifically being a symbol of her pure intuition and connection with the divine femininity. Finally, above her is a light fixture in the shape of a pomegranate, another divine feminine symbol.

I think I may want to edit her design a bit, maybe add some kind of glowing bits to her palms to show how she's levitating the tape reels. 

Any feedback or comments are welcome of course!



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