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Commission for WC Purdy featuring the members of S.L.A.G. (Society of Large Amazon Women) enjoying a game of poker. From left to right we have: Ysilda Evermight raising a mug to Zalthanah, who's eagerly tearing into her latest kill in celebration of her (possibly?) winning hand. Kimmy the cursed dragon-maid, thus far the leading champion, gaurds her horde of precious plastic chips from Megalosarah, who just got back from picking up their Chinese takeout. And of course Arizona Blackjack who, despite her name, doesn't seem to realize what game they're actually playing- she certainly didn't get the memo that this meeting wasn't a slumber party. 



W C Purdy

Thank you so much again for going so far above and beyond on this one! Everybody turned out incredibly! I love the little friendship going on between Ysilda and Zaltanah, and Kimmy hoarding her poker chips. And all the little background details are absolutely hilarious! Thanks so much!

Eric Mittelstadt

SO many great details my man, this must have taken awhile to finish! ^^