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A strange and yet benevolent creature from another plane of existence whose motives are as mysterious as their abilities. Appearing only to those who are suffering from some kind of serious internal injury- broken bones, tumors, heart problems, and the like. Azoth will pin these people down and pluck the damaged organ straight out of their body (there is no blood or cutting involved; their hands pass through flesh as easily as water) before replacing them with stones, plants, driftwood, mushrooms, and other natural objects. Despite barely resembling human bones or organs superficially, these seemingly crude replacements work exactly like the organ they replace, with Azoths' "patients" making full recoveries and never experiencing any difficulties with those organs again. Many go about their lives as normal until death, dismissing their encounter with Azoth as a strange dream.

Azoth's realm seems to consist largely of a wide, cold beach of gray-blue sand with dark red waters lapping the shore on one side and massive monolithic ruins of unknown purpose on the other, stretching off onto the horizon. Azoth themself does not know what lies beyond those ruins, for they are too busy working to save whatever humans they manage to find "washing up on shore", as they describe.




Aw, he's a helpful monster! :D