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Hello everyone! As I've mentioned in my previous entries, I'm going to be changing Patreon tiers, starting today! The changes are going to take place by the end of the day; I just have to draw some new pictures for the Patreon tiers themselves.

The reason for this change is threefold: to keep my workload manageable, to simplify Patreon benefits, and to keep my Patreon more accessible to my watchers. Thus, the following changes have been made:

- Instead of six tiers, I've narrowed it down to three.

- The tiers will have different names, which will be revealed once I change them.

- Monthly Patreon rewards will, sadly, no longer be a thing. As much as I loved drawing them, I just couldn't keep up the workload I put upon myself.

- That said, patrons will now have a chance to enter a monthly Sketch Pool (better name pending)! Further details are below.

- The Tiers will be as followed:

$1: Tier 1

- 10% Discount on Commissions
- Top priority for Commission completion
- Dropbox Access
- 2-Character sketch for your first month on Patreon*

$5: Tier 2

- 15% Discount on Commissions
- Access to WIPs and Polls
- Access to monthly Sketch Pool** (details below)
- 2-Character Ink Pic for your first month on Patreon

$10: Tier 3

- 25% Discount on Commissions
- Can choose up to 2 Commission Slots
- 2-Character Color pic for your first month on Patreon

*If you're already a patron and change to one of these three tiers, you will not get the first-month Patreon rewards, only because I wouldn't be able to handle the sudden influx of 30+ drawings to do.

**At the start of each month I will have a Sketch Pool for patrons to participate in, where six slots will be available for free sketches. To participate, simply leave a comment with a brief description of what you'd like me to draw for you. At the end of the week I'll select six participants based on my personal preference (this is to comply with Patreon's rules on gambling). But don't stress yourself about making your requests more interesting or easy for me; I'll try and make sure everyone gets a chance at a sketch eventually.

And there you have it! I'll be working on changing those today, so keep an eye out! And if you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to leave a comment below!


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