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Hello there! The call for questions for this week's Direct goes out a little early, perhaps because it's one of the few spare moments I've got right now, or maybe because we'll film a bit earlier - but either way, now is the time to make your mark on our regular, scheduled show. 

We'll be dissecting the latest Nintendo Direct, discussing Xbox Series X price rises and possibly talking about AMD's non-denial about blocking DLSS and XeSS on its 'sponsored' titles. But is there anything else you'd like for us to take a look at? Do you have any burning questions you feel should be addressed in our show?

Make your mark within the box that is - perhaps inevitably - below.




Following in line with the best part of John's FF XVI review, the grapes, what's the best looking food in a game?


One reason for why PC games are so stuttery and CPU heavy lately is the lack of dedicated hardware like consoles have for things like data decompression. One proposed solution to this is GPU-accelerated decompression. Could this (a) still cause performance issues if it takes up too much GPU time, and (b) would introducing dedicated decompression hardware (like consoles have) into things like CPUs or motherboards be a better option longterm? Would such hardware have applications outside of gaming that might justify their inclusion even more?


Any chance we could get a video dedicated to the basics-to-intermediates of frame pacing? Seems like many are confused why, for example, 50 fps without VRR feels juddery, and 30 fps feels smooth/consistent. VRR introduces extra opportunities for confusion, especially after its trifurcation into generic, freesync, and Gsync. Another pitfall is the way frame times are presented on your channel (in the context of vsync usually) vs. how they are reported by pc applications (linear sampling of frames ignoring the container). I think an in-depth examination could be really educational for a lot of people!


Hey DF! With Pikmin 4 supposedly being the second Nintendo title made with Unreal Engine 4, what does this say about Nintendo’s stance towards more standardized tooling in game development? Why was Pikmin 4 an obvious choice? And will we see this happen more often for first party titles in the future (thinking about the Switch’s successor of course). Thank you for making my weekends extra awesome!


Hello to the mighty Trifecta and thanks for everyone's hard work at DF! I recently read an article about ex-CD Projekt Red veterans leaving to create their own independent company together (Blank) because they wanted to create a better, crunch-free culture and work on smaller, more focused games. Considering the disastrous fallout that happened at Arkane Austin due to Redfall, do you guys think this migration of industry veterans towards independent development will become increasingly common? Overall, would this be a positive or negative for the industry? Bonus: Could this restore the type of lamented AA experimentation we used to see in the ps2/ps3 eras? Thanks a bunch!

Floats Like a Butterfly, Stings When I Pee

Hey team! I feel like I'm screaming into the void here. Everyone and their moms are celebrating the death of cross-gen, while I'm over here shaking my head at the fact that we're barely out and already facing games either locked to 30 fps or with shaky, unstable 45ish fps modes and crap visuals. That nonsense always seems to spill over to the PC version as well. Can we please bring back cross-gen? It'll hamstring some devs, but at least we might stand a chance at getting proper 60 fps back.


If we consider the current (Next?) gen platforms to be XBox Series S, PS5, and PC. If Xbox doesn't release a mid-gen refresh, and the Series X is barely outpacing the PS5. If Sony releases a PS5 Pro, and pushes the bar for performance too high, would developers pursue the Series X as the Xbox Baseline leaving Series S gamers with a horrid scaled down experience? Do we think this could happen?


I also think Sony could use this strategy to their benefit. If they added an AI upscaling processor to their Pro model, they could essentually market themselves as the only 60 FPS guaranteed experience on consoles. The Series S is golding back the Xbox.

Dirk Hoderin

Hi folks. I saw a video comparing RDNA2, RDNA3 and Lovelace performance in Layers Of Fear with Lumen on and off. Unsurprisingly, the 4090 cleaned house, but the interesting data was that the RDNA2 cards didn't lose much peeformance, either. This is similar to other results of Lumen seeming to not disproportionately hamstring 6000 series cards in fortnite. Is this a trend emerging, or mere chance?


I use my PC for work and play with 2 different profiles. There are a few apps that are shared across users, and other than learning to sign out rather than have two sessions logged in, it’s been relatively painless. I have noticed sluggish windows UI issues coming up though, and I’m becoming fairly convinced that I’m losing some FPS. Short of a brut-force clean install of windows; or the nuclear option, upgrading hardware, I’m sort of at a loss. Any tips to keep a long running windows system optimized for gaming? Because work is definitely secondary. I’m running a 12700k, with DDR4@4000 & a RTX 4090.


There are plenty of complaints we all have about publishers and the state of games released, and many are justified. After watching the latest video John did on FF 16, I thought maybe it would be good to highlight publishers the team thinks are doing things the right way. Who among the current wasteland still has the respect of the DF crew?


Beautiful FF16 analysis! You guys do such stunning work to promote the beautiful examples of this field. Nope for my questions... Mesh shaders. Multi res shading. Half rate shading... We see occasional implementations of these things, but i feel like most just languish as tech demos. I feel like direct storage is an up and coming potential success story for widespread implementation. What fancy rendering technology we're you excited for and hoped would've made for a greater impact in the industry? Also, Arkham Knight in switch. What's your prognosis for how it'll run with how tight the bandwith is on the switch? What nip/tucks would you do in that game if you were in charge of making sure it ran well in this aging hardware


Happy Spartan direct! Since this is the 117th direct I wanted to ask you all some Halo themed questions. Of the Halo games you've played, which one is your favorite? Which do you find the most technically impressive for the time? And did any of you ever get to demo or view the cancelled Halo game made for the DS? Thank you all for the fantastic weekly episodes!


I know that we all don't want everything to be on Unreal Engine, but, with Starfield looking so good in many ways, yet still having such stiff, average looking character models, it makes me wonder how it would be with UE5. Could a game with scope and detail of Starfield conceivably be built in UE5 with the same amount of resource Bethesda are chucking at it? Would the sandwiches all stay still until provoked?


Hi everybody :) i wonder if John would be willing to share his OLED CX picture Settings? I've been tinkering with my settings for quite some but can't seem to get them perfectly fine. Especially with regards to BFI! How are you using that on high settings? Have you figured out how to get it less flickery and dark or are you just strong enough to withstand? John? Pretty please? :)


I can't help but feel Super Mario Wonder is a game made for hi-def CRTs. It's gotta be glorious on such a screen. Don't you think?


Hello DF Crew! I was watching previous week's Direct and the discussion around the DX12 API. Why do most developers target DX12 and do not embrace the Vulkan API? We have seen some great things on that front. What advantages does DX12 provide against Vulcan?


Hi DF, after hearing from ubisoft that they were asked to hold on to the Mario+Rabbids sequel until the next Nintendo console. Do you reckon that a significant proportion or all of Nintendo's first party lineup were intended to be launch titles for a significantly delayed system? Games like the Metroid Prime remaster and TOTK seem like ideal launch titles and would've contributed to an impressive roster had the console released this spring, for example.


Hey DF! Long time viewer and first time subscriber. I have question on the state of HDR gaming on PC. I've been considering an upgrade from my 1440p DisplayHDR 400 monitor to something better but I've been shocked by how expensive it is to get a decent HDR monitor compared to just buying a TV. But it got me thinking, given the slow adoption of HDR by PC gamers and the issues surrounding implementing HDR on Windows 10/11, is it even worth spending the money to jump on HDR gaming? How many developers have properly implemented HDR on PC games? Am I better off using a PS5/Xbox Series X to get an easy and complete HDR experience?


In the FF16 tech analysis we can see that the loading times for FF16 are relatively short like most games are nowadays, but although we are now in this gens third year, most of them still can’t get down to that cartridge level speed we see in Spider-Man / Ratchet. Could you possibly shine a light on what Insomniac is apparently doing better than anybody else?


That Nintendo Direct was great, but it also had an air of end of the generation releases to it. Everyone is expecting Nintendo's next device in 2024, but there haven't really been many reports/rumours on it for a while... Something akin to a PS4 in 720p handheld (roughly Steam Deck) and a full 1080p PS4 docked, with DLSS 2.X helping out to output a nice 4K image would be a dream scenario. Is this likely/even possible technologically, or should expectations be tempered for something a lot less powerful? I know that whtever hardware they have Nintendo's developers will make sing, but being able to have enough power for third-parties and indies to bring their next games onto it is the worrying factor... Would love your take!

Snorlax jobless

is non-denial a guilty plea? Common law says everything that you say can be used against you while European law says that you are innocent till proven otherwise


Hi DF. This one is for John. What's the best way to view 60Hz content with the least amount of blur? Is it still the LG OLED TVs with BFI, even if it has that double image effect? Thanks!


Hey team! How exciting is it that Todd Howard called out your excellent work on the Kinda Funny XCast (6/22/23)!? “Digital Foundary; they do an incredible job. I don’t think they know how everybody in the game industry watches every single one of their videos. They do a fantastic job!” 👏🏻 👏🏻

Dirk Hoderin

I'm fairly sure it was hardware Lumen. This is the video I saw it in: https://youtu.be/Pf2roDO1yto


Anyone else with a CX find the stars don't look quite right when watching the opening credits to ST TNG? They seem to flicker when the enterprise goes into warp, settings to avoid this would be much appreciated. (Happens in netflix haven't tried blu rays on that TV yet)


AMD paying money to devs to block a competing but better tech from being used by the majority of PC gamers is some underhanded BS!! Especially when DLSS frame gen could actually help those games be playable until optimization patches can be delivered! What if AMD took that money they paid to the devs and actually used it to make competitive features?!? Q: Do ya’ll think it is ok for devs to accept money to reduce the quality of the gaming experience for the majority of PC gamers?


Do you think that (at least part of) the reason NVIDIA has no problem having their sponsored games have FSR toggles is because FSR makes DLSS look better and NVIDIA is leaning into DLSS being the better option now that it is no longer the only option. That is, the more an FSR implementation that makes DLSS look better is actually better for NVIDIA’s marketing(on DLSS being the better reconstruction method) than a title having no DLSS at all.


Metal Gear fans rejoice!! The day we never thought would come is here! After a decade and a half MSG4: Guns of The Patriots is FINALLY being freed from its PS3 shackles! I'd love to hear the team's thoughts on this, especially the PC port! Do you suspect we'll be looking at a Fox Engine port or perhaps they 'borrowed' some of the fantastic work being done on RPS3? I pray the PC port will be free from #StutterStruggle Thanks a ton!


Hey DF. I'm a big prince of persia fan (there are dozens of us) and its been rather disheartening to see such a negative initial reaction about the new game from the fan base. While I partially believe alot of it is due to peoples own opinions and bias I also believe that alot of it is due to the opinion that if a game is not indie then it needs to be in a 3d space and most importantly that it needs to look impressive graphically. I feel one of the best things about nintendo and their lower powered hardware is that it means more people are accepting for a game to not look amazing. Do you think that games as a medium care far too much about graphics and pushing tech? Do you feel that the inevitable rising costs of graphically impressive games will make this approach unsustainable soon enough. Keep up the good work :).


Fun fact: Quake 2 rtx has FSR1.0 and no DLSS at all! Due to the GNU license and the lack of open source DLSS.