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Hey everyone, Rich here! I just wanted to point you in the direction of our first 4K HDR video. It's something a little special as it shows Uncharted: The Lost Legacy running on the PlayStation 4 Pro's 4K output, with HDR engaged and we've got the game presenting at 60fps!

Yes, once again, we've utilised Uncharted's slow-motion mode to capture gameplay, then edited it at 200% speed to give a flawless, beautifully silky-smooth 60fps. The twist this time is that we've done it from PS4 Pro's 4K output with HDR active. We wanted to kick off our HDR content with something special, so why not show a beautiful 30fps game running at 2x frame-rate with all the bells and whistles.

John and I have had plenty of fun with this title (John didn't have to play it in slow motion, mind you) and I hope you enjoy the footage, which you can watch right here: https://www.digitalfoundry.net/2017-08-21-uncharted-the-lost-legacy-ps4-pro-60fps-gameplay

Time to pack! Heading for Gamescom this evening.



That sounds absolutely wonderful, have fun at Gamescom!


Awesome video! I don't own a ps4 but it was great to be able to finally see how Uncharted looks running on the pro with HDR enabled on my TV. The nerd in me is happy.




hey guys i am in australia and have a 115mbs connection. sometimes the file servers pipe the vid thru at full speed but sometimes they are just slow as heck, ie 110k a sec. seems to be on a video by video basis, like, i can dl the cod ww2 beta ps4 pro vs ps4 at full steam but then the new vega 1440p vids are super slow -&gt; <a href="http://imgur.com/a/HHfIl" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://imgur.com/a/HHfIl</a>


i see the vids on yt and hold off and come back from work so i can view on a my 4k 70" but...something seems amiss


u guys are awesome and i love your content, maybe time to loo at other cdn, have a chat to your dev and see if they can start gathering some stats, the site looks like it is built in a decent framwork like laravel so you should be able to collect those stats


How do get to actually download the 4K-video? When I click the link all I get is the "glorious" yt version and a prompt that tells me that I have to pay 5 bucks to download it. Which ain't have already done. Here at Patreon. What am I doing wrong?


Would like to see Tekken 7 running at 4k, 60fps on PC. Thanks.


Downloads are really slow today (600 KB/s).