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Hey guys so in this video I'm reacting to the dvd extras for season 1 of Lost. That includes deleted scenes, bloopers and behind the scenes stuff. Hope you'll enjoy it. If not please let me know coz then i won't be doing this for the other seasons. 

Also my editing software crashed during exporting, but luckily the part it already exported was saved and since it already was exporting for almost an hour I decided to not re-export the beginning of it so the reaction is in two separate files. Sorry for the inconvenience!

part 1: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/jjlbdevc6fs0y635dbbyh/Lost-S1-Extra-Part-1.mkv?rlkey=xmrdizc9jbf653psa00qipcd2&dl=0

part 2: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/zwz33jamdzy8zrcwlibxb/Lost-s1-Dvd-Extra-Pt2.mkv?rlkey=el7xrbgg4pb2mf7olkeu74j7m&dl=0



Adam Session

Dominic Monaghan (Charlie's actor) was a hobbit in Lord of the Rings, which is why he got typecasted and was in New Zealand before this for his surfing. He is British, but this was his 2nd big role after the LotR trilogy.


I LOVED these! Please continue to do them for all the seasons. LOST is such a special show and getting to see the passion of the people behind it and the love these actors have for their characters is one of the best parts of becoming a fan. The extras grew my heart for the cast tenfold. <3