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those numbers they're evil

link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/xebyx4wggx1wn98yy3opm/Lost-118.mkv?rlkey=en9p6lgqzzywpk0fh5pug9l9d&dl=0



Free Your Geek

The numbers have already appeared or have been mentioned in previous episodes too! Not only are you going to be catching different character connections, but you’ll have to look out for the numbers too! So a few fun facts about the woman who pulled the lottery balls: - She was one of the ladies Sawyer was conning 2 episodes prior. - She is the real life wife of Harold Perrineau (Michael).

Yana Thompson

Happy Holidays Lexi ❤️. Just want to say as an Aussie that the actress Hurley speaks to has the most atrocious Australian accent and pronounced Kalgoorlie wrong. Apart from that I love this episode!