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help me step bro i'm stuck

link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/fbcmvfztdnh1fv4370y1l/Lost-113.mkv?rlkey=s595yl614twe0ipamsf5prb21&dl=0




Ha, I almost skipped this one because I saw Boone and Shannon in the thumbnail and didn't want to watch their backstory again, barf, but I'm glad I watched because this one had lots of nice moments between other characters. Michael/his son(drawing a blank on his name) /Vincent(but ofc I remember the dog🤣), Sayid/Shannon, Jin(you know his name!)/Hurley, Jin/Sun, Jack/Charlie, Jack/Kate, Kate/Sun (yay, Sun has a second friend to talk to!). Of course, that drug trip is the best on the first watch, because I did remember that it wasn't real and Shannon was fine... But that was still hella messed up Locke leaving Boone alone, drugged, and tied up. Shannon wasn't really out there, but the monster could have been! I definitely found his helping Charlie more of a wise sage situation, and this one more of a Locke-is-a-psycho situation. And what's up with the compass?


Boone and Shanon relationship is definitely a weird one lol. I feel like Boone had a weird overprotective/jealous vibe for Shanon but I feel like Shanon manipulate/play with his head more because she said she knew for a while how he felt yet still did things to mess with his head. Overall, it might be better for both of them if they aren’t as close lol.