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thank you so much for your patience and understanding and again i'm so sorry for missing out on last week's lost upload!! hope  you will enjoy the reaction :)

link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/vnxot9fm975znnx7n3rps/Lost-106.mkv?rlkey=1voe7ssd3lgz3icw57h1plmga&dl=0



Adam Session

Great reaction as always. You may not remember since its been a bit, but one of the previous episodes had a scene where Kate and others had to tell Sayid to stop yelling questions at Sun because she doesn't understand him, Sayid says she does. It seems hostile from Sayid at the time, but in reality as one of the only multilingual people on the plane he would be the best judge of that. This episode proves he was right. Don't wanna spoil too much but eventually you will get to see all of these flashbacks from the husband's perspective which will be fun to see you react to.


Huh, I don't even remember that Sayid/Sun interaction and I've been watching these along with Lexi and have already seen the show, so you would think it would have left an impression on me. 😂 Maybe it just seems so obvious to me now that I wasn't impressed with his deduction.

Weird Magic

Originally airing on October 27, 2004, 'House of the Rising Sun' is Episode 6 of Season 1 of LOST. It is the 6th episode overall and has an IMDB rating of 8.1, placing it as the #21 ranked episode of this season and #6 out of all the episodes shown so far.