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oh so that's what she did

link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/r6uyflejl7htgcv4plyyn/Lost-209.mkv?rlkey=0oor44l03avxel16nex346tic&st=04g6jbxq&dl=0




Cool that you've worked with film reels before! Are you in the editing or cinema line of work?


All that fuss about the missing part of the video, and then it's just "don't use the computer." Like you said, that was already clear without the missing part. But I guess the bit about "outside communication" is new. Why would they mention that explicitly? Also, Lexi, were you wearing a Christmas-themed shirt? First the lights, now the shirt... It's almost summer!


I'm sorry but I think Kates mom still loved her husband, so she definately had zero reason to be grateful to Kate for killing him, and also her reaction later on is totally justified IMO. Though he's definately not someone that I like and I'm ok with what she did.

Will Sofer

I’ll be honest. The Kate-centric flashback episodes were always my least favorite of the series. While they explored complex issues, I usually thought the supporting actors had a stronger performance than Evangeline Lilly ever did. She’s better playing off of the main cast.


Did her mom know how Wayne was acting towards kate? I have a feeling she did and unfortunately chose him over her daughter. He's abusive and it seems like she's one of those victims who will side with their partner over there child. While her reaction is understandable, since kate did a extreme thing. I don't think its completely justified for her acting like that towards kate by betraying her.