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this was fucked up

link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/sv4qxd249unl15i3ufgsn/Lost-208.mkv?rlkey=67dgnca2td16666woawrnnkqc&st=5kdwokc1&dl=0

Thank you guys for letting me take a week off! I really needed it! I feel so refreshed and am excited to get back into reacting, even tho the first episode back was a devastating one! Hope you enjoy the reaction :)

Also it turns out I needn't had worried so much about Lizi! That lil doggie is a trooper. When Bella got her surgery she was lethargic for a week and was not herself for a while after that. After 24 hours Lizi started acting like as if she hadn't just been in surgery. My biggest concern, ended up being, was me trying to make sure she doesn't tear her stitches since she kept trying to jump up on the bed and roughhouse with Bella. She cray cray but I'm so glad she feels so good and happy now.




Ana Lucia should have never been allowed back on the police force after losing a baby and almost being she almost died. I know she played the therapist a bit but not really, you can tell he felt bad keeping her from having a purpose. Part of him knew deep down she wasn’t ready and was just hoping it didn’t blow up in his face. Her Mom too. It was not OK to put her back on the street when coming back. Maybe desk work would have been OK if she did it for some time and got used to the flow of things. Maybe if they caught that guy and he stayed in prison where he belonged for attacking the old lady? Like why did they let him go? Plus she was nearly dead maybe she couldn’t recognize him? Why was his release based on her Identifying him. She obviously has severe PTSD and when crazy violent things happen she goes back to the night she got shot in her head and thinks she needs to react differently to save her baby, in a sense. The same with Syeed, he thinks if only he did something differently with the Walt situation then this would not have happened. They both have these reactions because they both have been put in extreme violent situations. Obviously Syeed has more training especially being in the military so he has a better handle on himself it seems until it’s personal but Ana is still in the stage of reacting to everything and maybe she was a good cop before and to some extent still is because she protected the people from the tail end of the plane and was especially protective of the children. She figured out it was Goodwin and killed him which was cool but yeah she should not have a gun for the foreseeable future especially on this island. However I do think she would make a great detective. Hopefully she gets a chance to use those skills… in a more peaceful and productive manner. Thanks for the reaction. Glad you enjoyed your time off! I don’t know why I wrote so much about this Lolol. I am just bored I guess🤣


"What good would it be to kill you if we're both already dead?" Poor Sayeed. I think he's wrong though. The fact that he doesn't kill her proves that he's still a good man, alive, and mourning. But at least this ending is happier than we've seen in a long while, for many characters.


That was so clever of you If you play back what Walt said backwards... Thanks for clearing that up!