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he was on the other side?????

link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/aab6qe0w72khsw2ybmlbm/Lost-207.mkv?rlkey=7ut0q8uziijxu3f74n2ru0f2a&dl=0




It's very nice to see Ana Lucia before she let her fear take control of her. She is obviously quite capable, but like I said last time: fear is a bad advisor.


To me, Ana Lucia and Sayid have nothing in common. He was forced to torture people during a war, then reluctantly used his skills when he thought it could save Shannon's life (finding the inhaler). But really, he's just about the most level-headed, measured person in "our" entire group. While Ana Lucia seems more impulsive and struggling with the pressure. She's like Jack, as you said, though she does come across as even more unstable and capable of violence. Though Jack, you recall, was totally down with the torture plan. Eko definitely has some Locke-like energy, but so far not nearly such a weirdo.🤣 In fact, for me Eko has some Sayid energy. Can apparently kill efficiently, but doesn't want to. More thoughtful, less impulsive than Ana Lucia, but not quite so oddly zen/superstitious like Locke. But quite religious, which does add some kind of mystical Locke vibes. Of course Rose is also quite religious and gives a bit of those chill Eko vibes, too. Ahhh, I wanna see Rose and Bernard reunite! And Sun and Jin! In my opinion, the others may have targeted the back of the plane group more simply because of where they landed on the island. They seem to have crashed much closer to where the Others seem to live. Or it could be the size of the groups as you said, plus OUR group had guns, which the other group doesn't seem to have had.