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Hello everyone,

New short story and new polls available right now, also a new comic!

Most of the work posted this week was already finished last week, and if there is a delay in the posts or commissions in the following days, it's because of what's happening in my country, more specific in the region I live in.

Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, is going through the worst flooding in the last 150 years right now.

Personally I'm doing fine, I'm just having water and energy restrictions, also internet reception is intermittent, but in general I'm ok, just having less time to work on things, but I will try to post regularly next week.



I am from Houston, Texas and we went through our worst flooding in 2017. I wish you the best of luck.


Thank you very much, the world is crazy right now. I'm thankful that I'm doing fine, just some minor inconvenience compared to people that lost everything, but generally people are helping each other here and it's great to see that.