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This is an old one, probably never uploaded it here. It gets a resketch as a sort of unofficial 3rd birthday thing. 

That's right 3 years of Ivan

Commed by Dill :3




Thank you so much for doing this re-make! I love both versions, and it's fun to see how your style has changed while keeping the same sense of humor over three years. (The fourth expression of bewilderment with the paw-to-the-head is so good, as is the last "? !" pose/expression.) And dang, after 3 years, the witch got even snarkier; that closing zinger was brutal.


Ohrrrh I loove these!

ButterDoe (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-20 01:47:11 So glad this got revisited. You sure know how to draw them catty <3
2021-04-26 15:42:07 So glad this got revisited. You sure know how to draw them catty <3

So glad this got revisited. You sure know how to draw them catty <3

The Senate (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-20 01:47:11 i agree with dill, its neat to see how your style changed, though im impartial to your current style :) i really like this piece, any chance of getting a more lewd version perhaps? &gt;.&gt;
2021-04-27 20:46:47 i agree with dill, its neat to see how your style changed, though im impartial to your current style :) i really like this piece, any chance of getting a more lewd version perhaps? >.>

i agree with dill, its neat to see how your style changed, though im impartial to your current style :) i really like this piece, any chance of getting a more lewd version perhaps? >.>