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I was checking my folder of un-edited pictures and I've encountered some really nice ones. Some are so good, I just have to share em with the public later.
Before the month ends, lemme share one nice pic from the few I selected (only blurred the background, didn't do any other edit).

Not much to talk about this, other than this pic was done back in 2022 Nov. So to be accurate, I added the lil "2022" sign at the bottom right corner aswell.

I seriously could have provided more and fresh content with my sweet suit, BUT the thing I've ordered on the 19th this month is freaking late. >:V What I mean is that I've finally found an equipment I wanted (I kinda wanted it regardless of having a cosplay or not, cuz I think it looks nice) and I think the price for it was fine aswell.
I'm talking of a phone stand, that has a ring light around it. This equipment is a huge improvement and help in creating irl content for me, it expands the possibilities I can reach, that's for sure. Furthermore I ordered a little remote controller, so I'd not need to use the timer function of my phone.
The later product was not in my plans to own, but it was an option: either I pay for delivery, OR get this and the delivery is for free (cuz it reaches the set price limit). I did not regret my choice getting this too. This little device has already arrived at my place, and functions like a charm. 8)
But there are some problems with delivering the phone stand and the delivery man just DON'T WANNA arrive at my base. >:C

So that's one thing regarding of the promising future of my evolving artwork-making journey. Lemme share some other things that's been on my mind either for a while or it's a totally fresh idea;

- Commissions:
People've been asking about this for years, that they wanna see their dreams come true in my style. Welp, I'm not getting enough income from Patreon and I wanna get a few stuff which costs money, so I'll have to look for other possibilities and this one's coming in handy for me. I make people happy, and I can be happy with the results and feel rewarded for my efforts.
I've already started preparing last year for this, writting up Terms Of Service things, trying to figure out my rules, saving other people's commissions sheets for examples and so on. I haven't figured out a price table yet, I'm not sure I'd be able to, cuz drawing either a Warframe or a symbiote, they are different in difficulty settings as character. A warframe has many details on, then a symbiote can be difficult cuz of anatomy. So I've yet to come up with this, I've already started working on some project, and already have a waitinglist... xd

- Twitch:
The idea of streaming's been on my mind for a long while.
Escpecially cuz I keep getting angry and makes me crazy, seeing how much people can make with this with SO LOW effort and acting disrespectfully on live (especially like 97% of the people from my country). I kinda feel like about this like I've felt before starting to draw nsfw; "I gotta show it how it's done properly, and with style.". So I've been studying how this whole streaming thing works actually, I still need to learn, but I think I've figured out and considered a lot already.
I still have ideas in my mind, that might not be functional in a real life setting. Like I've imagined I'd stream while having my SpiderGwen helmet on. I was so into the idea, I found it cool and felt excited for it. But I've tried playing Fallout76 once while having it on my head. Turns out, the lenses I have for it block my vision, so after like 20 mins, I started to feel bad. :(
I did see some people with mirrored lenses for such spidey cosplays (and I know it works like a normal sunglasses lens... according to some photos I've seen), but idk where to get one AND if it would be a fit for my faceshell, and so on. I still need to get more info regarding that.
But there are alternatives for masks.. I'll talk about that later. xd
So regarding streaming on twitch; I play a lot of cozy and building games, thought why not stream it? I might find good people too, no? I've already got lucky enough to find some good people to watch and learn from. Also I think about this whole streamig thing as a hobby so far (so like I'm not preparing with fixed schedule atm).

FURTHERMORE! I can still learn and use my artistic skills here (which is exciting to expand in variety of works, tbh)! Like emoticons for example! 8)
If I reach some small criterias (like getting 50 followers), I'll be eligible becoming an "Affiliate", which is the first stage of actually earning something at the website. AND with that, depending of the amount of people following/subbed(?) there's a number of emoticon slots that subbed people can use all over Twitch. I've already have like 3 emoticons ready for that! Which are already used on my discord too, but I have ideas for more, of course. Aaaand of course my ideas are  ̶k̶i̶n̶d̶a̶ based around Venom so far xd In my mind, as far as I've imagined and noted down, I wanna use some old Venom gameplay/cartoon footages for the different notification sounds and alerts on the stream. I still need to make that happen tho, and I just keep thinking about it. And I still yet to try out if my pc can stream well... and I don't have a mic neither a cam soo... yea.. xd (altho I heard phones can be used for webcams for streaming...) But at least I gonna have a ring light (if needed)! so that's something xd

And since atm I can't use my SpiderGwen helmet even if I was able to capture it on a screen, I was considering other alternatives while searching for the right lense... After seeing it in the market, I was thinking getting.. a Tali helmet? 8)
Etsy is a place that provides that! I've also found a sweet Overwatch Ana helmet (of a skin that I loved to use in game), which could be suitable for me aswell. Even if they come out as troublesome to use while streaming, They. Are. Perfect. for making other kinds of content!! But their price💦... and speaking of that...

- Wishlist:
I've seen a specific wishlist site at several twitch profiles, and even people with lower than 1k followers got stuff from there, so I thought, why not giving it a shot? Even if I won't get anything from there, it's good for myself to list up the things I wanna get and won't forget about. I find it good that products can be listed there with fund-raising, so it's not up for one person to get that specific product if they want to give something.
This website is called Throne, and everything can be anonymus. The account holder's personal infos won't get out, aswell as the gifter's (and they can be fully anonymus too). The website functions as a bridge between the products and the member, and if the person lives at the right country, the website orders the products automatically when the price tag amount has been reached. Unfortunately for me, I'm in the group of countries that has to manually do the ordering, the website won't do it for me. Which I could still do, if that's the case.
Also there's a function if something got paid for, it can appear during a stream as a notification. I don't know if I wanna connect my streaming-alterego with my artist-self (smutbase) yet, I might do a different wishlist for that(?). Atm I use my sfw twitter name for this... (also I already have, and use twitter, the streaming thing is not an active and live thing yet anyways.)
It's also tricky with the pricing of things, I can only write the price approximately on the wishlist (cuz the shipping is usually listed elsewhere on the actual products on the website where it's from). I've already put a few things there, just to see how it works, like the Tali mask for example. There's also a hoodie for the Tali cosplay, but the price for that is SO HIGH, I did not have the guts yet to even list it. xd
The things I'll list there gonna be of such stuff I wanna use for my photos too, aswell as collecting sweet things. And the faster I get em, the quicker I'll be able to make content featuring them! 8)

- Onlyfans:
Technically this is in the same boat as Twitch. As far as I know, both of these websites transfer the income onto an irl bank account. And I am not aware how taxes and fees apply to that in my country. I tried to ask around about Twitch/streaming regarding this, in goverment offices, from an accountant but neither of em knew what I was talking about! and they just ended the topic saying it depends on the contract, which should be in hungarian... xd

But to talk about this specific topic as "onlyfans":
I have a LOT of sweet, gorgeous and teasing content in a more dangerous level than the example picture showed above in this post. They definitely worth more than $1 and it would be a crime to share it for such low. Also would be a sort of crime if I was the only one ejoying em. Cuz they are so freaking good, man. aaaaaaa xd
I usually get a boost in patron numbers whenever I release some photos with this suit on, then it decreases all of a sudden. and I bet some just check-in only for this content. So I think the best would be to split it onto different seas. I'll still have some exclusive photos here at patreon, and the riskier ones at onlyfans. In "riskier" I mean wearing some lingerie or the angle can be considered not the type of thing you should be checking in public places(?) (ha).

I'm still not going to do full-on nsfw irl content, neither here, neither at onlyfans, nor elsewhere. So no nip flash, no lower-holes showing, no full nudes. Censoring things might be the way if necessary. The content's going to be just the stuff I'd be comfortable with making footage of. Like I consider handling some sextoys as a still okay content. Like, some people would see that as a hot situation. I think I'm just too old, neutral or unbothered to get affected by it that way. xd I also feel like I'd make content for character showing, so more like an acting kind of thing. Looking at my photos, I'm just amazed by how good they are without actually realising it's of me (must be cuz of the mask? maybe, idk, but I love it anyways).
So I'll continue to approach a more erotic kinda way in content, maybe even "sensual" if I can use that word? So kinda the stuff I do in my drawnings aswell, I guess (not forgetting to make it fun and/or funny sometimes either! :]c ). And along the way, who knows, maybe some people will ask to draw the same thing as they had seen on my pics (so like, my art in terms of detailing can be improved with this too).

I plan to set up a non-monthly subscription based page there, cuz I think I won't be able to continously put out such content every month. So I'll have new content there every now and then. I'll also use a different name so my art-making-self and my costume-wearing-self won't be the same.
I still gonna have to figure things out with this, so let's just leave it here and jump onto another thing that's a bit more threatening in a way... xd

- More people in the house? ohno:
I live with my father in a big house. My mother had enough of my father's lifestyle, divorced and moved out with my sibling. That was one of the best changes in my life.
To not get into too much information, let's just say my smutbase carrier kicked-off right after such events (maybe even in the same month? week??? idk xd). Yea, 7 years ago.
Now things are turning in a way that most likely they're moving back. Let's just say my mom doesn't know what privacy means, especially in my case. And with her and my sibling gone, the house became so much bearable and quiet. The best is when I'm full alone with myself, tbh. Nothing can bother me then, I'm at peace.
Nobody knows about what I truly make in my family. They are just not the kind of people who would be able to comprehend such things (I'm really a black sheep in the family xd). I even had a hard time explaining what Twitch is and how people earn from that...

So anyways the summary of this is that I'm "a bit" afraid and worried, I might be encountering some obstacles regarding of being able to continue creating the content I wanna make.. :s
Maybe it gets slower, maybe not, idk but I know it won't have a positive effect on it. Maybe I truly should get a lock to my door. xd But I'm really just tired trying to find excuses and/or explain why I do or have certain things, D'ugh.

Life is just hard, eh?

Come to think of it, if I do start streaming, I can just demand more privacy and being left alone, ha.

- - - - -

Anyways, I'm really close reaching 420 tweets at my nsfw twitter, so I wanna dedicate that funny-number with some new art of a special character in my heart, who's Hancock from Fallout4. I gotta make this fast cuz I'm already at 417 tweets.. xd

Also prepare for more sweet irl pic, gif and video content when I get my hands on my ring light phone stand! 8)

Thank you sinners for the support, it really means a lot to me. Your help is why I can continue to create nice artworks! 🌺🧁✨




A VTuber / Live2D model could be nice for streaming, since you get privacy and it's quite a booming market these days, but full models can be expensive. You could do something similar to what MissIcyArt does on Twitch (@iseenudepeople on Twitter) and have a kind of "lite" model. Hope everything goes well!


I was not into the looks of Vtuber models tbh, and I still dislike the anime-styled ones. But after learning more of this whole trend, I'm more understanding about people using it. I did consider using a 2D "lite" model that would have a different look whenever the mic is used. Just like the person you recommended. Altho I thought using an irl cam while wearing a cosplay (and especially a mask) would be unique in the huge list of streamers on the net. Still, if this happens, a 2D "persona" thing can be useful when I dun wanna turn on the webcam. I've yet to figure out who should I draw for that, or maybe have multiple characters? idk, we'll see xd Thanks for the comment! c: