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Just wanted to do an update since there have been no posts this month. Sorry about that, again!

If you're new here, this isn't normal, I'm just in crunch getting Changeling Tale out to the public in 5 days. I've been working on it for over 7 years so it's a big milestone!

I'll have an announcement post letting everyone know when CT is available.

It hits Steam in 5 days. I should have a post up here on the day after with all of the CT sketches I've done since the last CT sketch post.

After CT's out I'll be right back to Patreon to get you guys some special stuff.

Sorry I'm a bit scattered on this one lots to do and I've gotta get back to work! :V



Good luck Wat. Try to enjoy the holidays while they're here!!


Hey do keys go out on the release date or earlier?


Heya, if you want to get your key make sure you filled out your key form on the CT patreon! As for when they go out, they should be going out before the release as long as you filled that form out!