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Heya, just going to jump into it since this is a news post and a compilation post for all the old images.

To access the files on one-drive, click here for the Patreon pics and here for the Maku comm.

I'm busy as always but trying to fit some fun stuff in between the CT project, but I got a decent amount done this time around I think (there's still an outstanding 20+ step sequence that's being colored by Shark coming).

I've made some changes to the Patreon overall:

  • The sketch, sequence, and color suggestion forms are now available to all pledges regardless of tier.
  • They are no longer part of any tier of rewards.
  • There is now just one basic tier available to new patrons.
  • The $3, $20, and $50 tiers are now unpublished, I'll let you guys decide whether you want to remain where you are or not, but if you are a $3 patron you will keep your tier unless you drop pledge.

As most of you probably noticed, I'm really busy lately and don't jump into the suggestions much these days, I don't want to give the impression I'm offering the rewards when I know I can't keep up with them, even when that's clear on the form.

The suggestions will stay there if you've made one, I'll still pull from them when I have the opportunity (preferring the ones that are already there of course), and you're still free to make more! More than one now too. You don't have to maintain the higher tier pledges and I won't remove them if you drop :V

With the rewards from those rewards gone, the higher tiers are no longer different and I felt I'd consolidate down to a single tier.

That's it!

If you've got any questions, lemme know.
