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It's the first finished patreon pic from the $50 goal met this month :B

Vanessa's sleepless nights were taking their toll, unable to sleep she'd stay up until 5am every morning posting and commenting

She needed to take something for her insomnia.

Lucky for her, 'Dr. Agon's sleeping pills' came highly recommended on 'hamazon' - 5 stars!

'You'll slumber for centuries!' - Side effects may include: itchiness, rashes, vivid dreams, urge to hoard, flight, etc... NOT FDA APPROVED!

"But what the heck, they're just sleeping pills, right?" - she thought as she ordered a bottle.

The pills worked great, she'd never felt so refreshed!

They came with some quirks though, after a few weeks she just had to have that purple plushie dragon she saw. Her love of unicorns and horses was quickly replaced with dragons... big beefy ones with rippling scales and huge-

She found new websites to satisfy those needs, she'd even found one that sold "accessories" for her little friend.

"I'll take a couple extra tonight," she thought "what could go wrong?"



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