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Happy Holidays, dorks :B

As usual, the Onedrive link for all the fun stuff. 

How is everyone's year going? Better than last?

I know a lot of artists have burned out this year (and last) and I'm pretty thankful you guys are sticking around despite circumstances. I have been approached by a couple people this year worried that I'll react negatively if I see them drop their pledges - don't feel like you have to hang on because I'll see you stopped subscribing, there's more important stuff out there and I'll always be here drawing when you're ready to come back around (or not, I do post everything publicly anyhow!)

I've got a lot of work on my plate with CT coming out in the next few months, and it's going to be quite the scramble. I do have to be honest, I actually discussed with LN whether I should pause or stop my Patreon to focus on the game more but he suggested I keep it open since it's still a pretty large part of my livelihood and if something were ever to happen to the game, I'd probably regret stopping it.

Still, between the two projects I've got a lot to do - I'll be doing my best to do my obligations here and there, but I do have to prioritize the game since it's such a momentous project for us. I've had to wear a lot more hats than artist since I started and the realities of game development have been a learning experience. I have a lot of anxiety around the upcoming release; I hope people like it :V

As for this campaign, it's not really a secret at this point that my overall creation of personal work has suffered in quantity since the game started going full steam. I'm not going to keep making apologies for that (I've made that post too many times), as that's just the way it is, and if you're still around I hope you understand that - but I did want to discuss the quality and content of the stuff I have been creating, if you have the time!

I'm curious if you guys have any opinions on how I've been doing art recently, I even have some specific questions if you feel like answering!

Do you like the sketches on the grey backgrounds? I did experiment with some colorful backgrounds a few months ago - did you like those better? Is the silhouetting of the characters helpful at all or did you like the much older stuff where I just left them the same color as the surrounding backgrounds?

How do you feel about all the text on each image? Too much? Are the images better with the more detailed stories? Do you like when I do massive text dumps almost turning them into captions occasionally? (I can't promise I'll never do them even if everyone hates them though.)

Does the quality of the sketch work feel better than my older work? Does my actual drawing feel like it's gotten better?

Should I focus more on single longer project at the sacrifice of lots of single images? I'm always torn because I hear people say they like when I do a lot of sketches, but then people wonder why I'm not doing more sequences. I could do more sequences but they are really big time investments for me these days. I do prefer the results of sequences myself, but they really do come at a time cost.

Any characters I've made that you liked and wanted to see me draw more of? I think I'm ok at making fun characters, but I never really flesh any of them out past designs or single use worldbuilding with a bit of dialogue or vignettes. I'm wondering if any of them seemed interesting enough to warrant revisiting.

Any other general feedback on stuff I've done? Stuff you'd like to see more or less of?

I think that's all I've got this time. I might think up more for next post. That's for reading, dorks, hope you've been enjoying the art - and here's hoping 2022's a better year for everyone :P




I definitely prefer the sketches with more text/story, I think it adds a lot of fun context to the artwork (and you're a good writer too!) Your work is fantastic, and I'm glad that I am able to help support your personal projects and CT!


First off, I'm sorry to hear about the added stress. I worried that lately you've been put off of doing art [CT or otherwise] because of the stress of having to maintain both campaigns. As I've stated before, I pledge to you as an added tip for your work on CT. It's not that much but I like giving you that little bit of cash separate from LN's cut. The art that I get because I'm pledged to you is just a bonus. If the output from you slows because you're busy with CT work, I'm more than understanding because that project really comes first. As for answering your other questions: *I like the gray scaling on some images as opposed to others. The skunk pic from a few months back was one that I feel didn't lend itself well to the technique but others have been pretty good in handling it. I guess it just depends on the pic. *Being honest, yeah I'm not a big fan of text. Sure, for some pics it might be a good way of making it stand out from "Pants explosion pic #532" but not everything needs a massive dump of Tim Buckley level exposition. Again, some good. Some not so good. *I do think your pics have gotten cleaner and more readable compared to the old stuff. At times when I see older works getting linked around, I do notice that your work has gotten better over time. *I liked the last sequence you made with FB!Evan last year but I agree, that took a ridiculous amount of time to finish. I suppose the best suggestion I could make to alleviate that is combine the TF or sketches with similar scenes into one big sequence. That way you don't have sketches with similar theming. *That's a hard question for me. Most of the reoccurring characters I see seem to be sharkrags characters. I'd love to see more different ones that AREN'T from CLC. Honestly, I just want you to be happy and not burnt out by your work. CT is a big pill to swallow and I know it will pay off for everyone involved. There isn't much advice I can give in that regard other than try to push through some of the smaller things or cluster of things you need to work on rather than marathoning a whole sequence of werewolf dicking in one go. And yes, I hope 2022 will be a better year. Especially for CT related things.


All I see is Grace and that is all I need to see! 😍


I like the text/stories, it adds more to the image. And I have no preference whether it's a sketch or otherwise, I think your art is great so far!


I've been enjoying all the stuff you've been putting out lately Wat. I like the greyscale shading you've been doing on some pics instead of full color, they look good :B And adding a little text/story to a pic really helps elevate it a lot, but I know you know that, one of my favorite things in your pics is often the context/story stuff you add with that. I tend to lean more towards more sketches than full sequences, sometimes it can be one pic with a good pose or story that's really good than a full sequence, but of course if you feel a big inspiration for a sequence you should do it :B


I'd love to see more of Salt and Pepper from 803. Also, I personally enjoy there being more text on the images because the context is always fun. z I personally find the Silhouetting to be helpful.


I figured you'd have a lot on your plate considering all the ongoing projects including CT and others. Just remember to take a break when you're reaching your maximum capacity. I'm sure everyone will understand if you decide to take a bit of a breather even if it means not contributing as much. As for the questions I'll try to give a small opinion on each. The grey background i feel is essentially the "Wat Style" if you get what i mean. Sketch wise its pretty much how I easily tell its from you. Colored is good but it will take time for it to overcome the original grey. I'm a huge sucker for text. I just find it adds a lot to your art tf related or not. Such as that one with the cat spirit inhabiting a person's body and the dynamic they shared. That was a very satisfying and memorable moment. So I'd like to see more text being added to your art when you can. Your work definitely feels more refined than when I first found you. That being around the same time I came across Chaneling Tale when only Jessie 2 was available. Back then i took a look at your sketches up to the point. Your anthro ladies in particular are among some of my favorites. The decision between sketches and longer sequences is a tough one. The one sequence you did with a particular dragon transformation is one of my favorites to come back to so I guess I'd say focus more on that. Especially since you yourself like the results. I'd prefer to see more of the aftermentioned cat and human host (sorry I forgot their names but I remember their dynamics and it's highly entertaining) I'd also like to see more similarly character/personality driven art from you with perhaps a bit of dialogue text to help further sell that impression the characters are giving. Id also like to see more naked anthro ladies with weapons. That was also another thing you use to do but I don't recall seeing much these days.


Edit: I had just about finished writing a point by point answer to all your question about as long as Noc's post, but then Chrome crashed and it was lost, so I'll get it to you later I guess.

Some Foxy

I'm not sure i can tell you something most others here couldn't, but i'll ask/suggest sticking to the greyism backgrounds if you can since they hurt a lot less on the eyes than bright white ones. While i do like drawings with some detailed stories behind them i worry you could end up spending too much time on writing them, so maybe keep'em on the shorter end. As for characters, more of Evan (the cute) and Malcolm'n the 3 sisters i think? Maybe you could do some TFs on your friends once in a while or something, maybe some of Freya from FF? All i really know is if you weren't worth the monthly donation i wouldn't personally stick around. Try not to get stressed out of your mind Wats, it won't help anyone much less yourself.


It wasn't my intent to make people worried, I'm doing fine! :V I'm not put off art, it's just hard to keep pace up forever, I'm slowing down cause I need to think more, I think. Ideas, planning, etc - just long term constant output has drained the brain. Or maybe it's covid brain stuff and that's why every other artist is also burning out :P Thanks for the feedback, I've got a lot to think about :B


Little late and alot of points have already been said, but the text and dialogue are *chefs kiss* wonderful and really add to a piece. Overall i think the quality has improved compared to past sketches. Seeing experimentation on style was really cool too. Overall good stuff


Thanks for the feedback Neko, has been a bit since the anthro ladies with weapons :V


I can't wait for the google doc drop, it's my favorite Zod content!


It's good to know I'm worth the value! I'll try and keep myself from stressing out :B


<3 !

John Doe

That's too many questions to answer, but I'd just like to say I'm not supporting on patreon to get access to new content, I'm supporting because I like your work and I saw a lot of it for free other places on the internet. To me supporting patreon drawings and supporting your work on anything else (lewd and/or transformation related :P) are the same thing. Also I love all the text so absolutely don't stop doing that! It turns a vignette into a whole story that you can imagine building a world around. For some artists I'm just like "ugh I'm not going to read all that", but that is absolutely not the case for your images!!! It adds and it feels almost like a complete story.


Thanks, I definitely get the feeling on a lot of other artists text filled stuff, so I'm never sure if other people feel that way about my stuff too, lol. Thank you for the support regardless :B


I dunno man, i do love what you do, would like to see more sequences but that's pretty much it, whatever you decide is good i'm cool with it.


1) Honestly, unless you just stopped cold, I'm not sure there's a ton you could do that would make me de-Patreon here. I'm pretty committed to my 'support artists' position. Taking a view towards the fact that even artists need meals and rent, I'd fairly strongly discourage you from pausing the Patreon; every time I've heard of someone doing anything like that, they aren't ever able to get back even close to their old numbers, and I'd hate to see that happen to you. 2) "I Hope You Like Text" - https://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2006/04/10 - Yes, I do like text very much, thank you. 3) I'll never turn down more unicorn cheerleader girl. However, I also very much enjoy watching you experiment with new ideas and characters, so the balance you've had has been working pretty good for me. I also enjoy a lot of the pieces you do that imply more of a story than is directly included in the image+text directly; I think it also represents a chance to play with new ideas and characters that /might/ be interesting to pursue further without doing some huge sequence up front for something that might not turn out to be as interesting as it seemed going in. The intermittent but definitely ongoing dragon princess adventurer lady is a good example of this working out to all our benefit. 4) You've definitely improved technically. I went back through some of your older stuff a week or two ago, just randomly, and noted the improvement at the time. 5) As I've mentioned in the past, I am 107% on board with your slow-burn sequences (you actually first came to my attention when I found that one looong dragon TF, which... very much arrested my attention), but, related to 3, the cost in terms of other things is real, so I'm not sure I have a strong suggestion how to strike a balance there. And... uh... I think I'm out of words for the moment, but if I think of anything, I'll add more. And since I'm out of words, a moment of wordless appreciation for unicorn girls: ..........!!


Awesome, I really appreciate the feedback. I'll endeavor to keep going - maybe I'll throw in a unicorn or two :V


I would most certainly order a Grace daki and I hope to see one soon!