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Forgive me, because of the tier reorganization there are some quirks with Patreon. I cannot mass edit permissions on posts. In order to make sure everyone on Patreon gets all of the content, I'm going to make a few posts that may have hundreds of images in them. All of these will be images that have already been posted, but maybe you missed something!

This is just to make sure the people subscribing to Patreon can access all of my content on Patreon. Old posts won't be getting deleted, but their permissions will not match what the new tiers are.

Any posts made before this one may not be accessible to people who should have access to those tiers, and the posts may have broken links that don't work anymore!

Sorry, I can't fix this as there are 3 years of posts I'd have to edit and generate links for - so the posts will remain, but I'll be making archival posts so people can access all of the art without having to go  back through Patreon's terrible endless scroll.