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I'm completely destroyed after spending 37 hours awake and 18 without eating anything at the airport due to flight mix-ups, but I'm at home and will be ready to start working again soon.

I wish I had more to show you guys but I didn't take any pictures or have much time to draw. My phone nearly exploded on the plane (battery expanded like a balloon for some reason) and after we settled down at the con hotel I spent most of the remaining time preparing for my panel and interacting with people around our demo station.

I had a great time, and it was really nice meeting so many people. Lots of enthusiastic tf/watsup/changeling tale fans, and I talked with a lot of people about TF - if I saw you there, it was nice to meet you, feel free to pop into discord and remind me! :B

My panel was a disaster according to myself, though everyone else seemed to enjoy it, so I'm happy about that. I need to clean my thoughts up a bit better for posting, so I'll probably do that and add some better visuals before I make it public.

And welcome to everyone new, I was going to try to have a few posts up before the end of feb, but they might end up being march posts due to the con. Either way, I should have a lot of fun stuff for everyone.


Little Napoleon

Glad you were able to make it! Welcome back home!


strong of you doing all that work on ANE, Wat.


Yikes! That’s a rough trip! Glad you finally made it home.


Me too, the trip is always the hardest part of these things :P


Welcome back, I hope you enjoyed your vacation, and that you enjoy your vacation from your vacation..


I can drive to my home office if necessary (I work remotely) in 7.5 hrs. I can fly in 3hrs (2 legs) + 1 hr early + 1 hr to the airport + waiting for luggage 30 minutes + 1 hr driving to the office in the rental car. So I save 1 hr IF nothing goes wrong. It’s like someone offering you 6 mushy bananas, or half a dozen bruised apples? Lol!