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Patreon recently changed their adult content payment processor from the US to UK, and your card may have been declined. I've noticed I've been getting a lot of pledges dropping off, and most of the people deleting their pledges were being declined and being removed as patrons.

I wish I could solve this but Patreon has given me no information to work with other than to tell you that you have to call your bank and manually authorize charges to Patreon until they stop flagging it as fraud.

Feel free to vent your frustrations in the comments :V


Jennifer Miller

Mine declined just because the bill tried to post literally an hour before my paycheck came in, and I kinda dipped in the red over Halloween. Should pass through soon, though.


Yeah, that's normal stuff that happens, this is more about regular declines going up and people have been complaining on discord, so I figured I'd make a quick announcement for people to check to make sure they are still pledged.


I was scared for a moment, but luckily my Patrons didn't have any problems and all Payments got through. But a friend's Patrons seem affected, too. They got an adult marked patron like you, tho. I hope they get that fixed, really.


Yeah, just seems like it's an issue effecting people pledged to adult campaigns


I'm fine, I just want to make sure people aren't missing anything they were expecting :B

Val Salia

And if you have been flagged for fraud, STOP SCAMMING THE ELDERLY YOU CRIMINAL