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Hey everyone!

So let me start by saying that I’m really appreciative that you guys have supported me in making art as long as you have.

I can’t express how amazing it is to have people like my work enough to pay me to just make stuff from my head, and I hope I can keep impressing you guys enough that you’ll continue to. :B

The campaign has been running great for over a year now, but I’ve seen some areas I think I can improve. In order to make those improvements I’m going to have to make some pretty big changes, so let's get down to details. (For a TLDR just skip to the bulleted list.)

Firstly, I’ll be making a website. It’s a long process because I have no idea how to make websites but I have a big list of things I need it to do. It will host Patreon polls and content (so I can drop Google Drive), host project files, have an easy-to-use browsing experience that’ll allow people to see all of my art (including tags and sorted galleries), and allow people to easily view comics, projects, and news updates.

Second, I’ll be fixing up the Patreon browsing experience. Time to get out from the “under construction” banner, I’ll be adding proper tier images, tiers, goals, an up to date introduction message, and better tags to make browsing by content type easier.

Lastly, I’m completely changing the rewards.

Although I’ve enjoyed doing the sketch requests and variety they provide, I’ve found it increasingly harder to keep up with the request posts. As more people join there will be more unsatisfied people taking the time to make suggestions. On top of that, I’ve been making lists, Google spreadsheets, and spinning wheels in order to make sure everyone gets a shot and it’s completely fair - logistical time that could be spent doing more art.

Less than half of my patrons participate in the suggestion threads every month, many which stop requesting after becoming disillusioned with no being picked.

The original goal was to make this a glorified tip jar, not an alternate commission method.

Trying to fulfill so many requests has meant I release lots of lower quality content, when I really want to make higher quality content. I used to do regular comic pages and expansive transformation sequences, and I want to get back to that.

So what I’m going to do is move back to the original intent and focus on a single large project, and fewer medium sized side projects.

The changes I’ll be making are as follows:

  • Doing away with the current rewards (monthly picture and monthly request thread)
  • Removing goals and changing pledge tiers (mostly later tiers).
  • Introducing replacement rewards.

The replacement rewards will be simplified into a “big” and “small” project each month.

The new rewards will work as follows:

  1. The primary focus will be a comic page, or art leading up to the production of a comic. These comics will be voted on by everyone at the $3 tier and above. The $5 and above tiers will receive high-res PSD’s of each comic and the $10 tier will get special thanks in the finished credits of the completed projects.

    For now, since the comics are not ready, I will be producing mock-ups for the 6 comics I plan to let people choose from (probably in the form of covers to show off themes/characters).

  2. The secondary reward will be smaller projects done monthly that are fewer, but higher in quality than my current offerings. These will always involve Patron participation at the $3 level - either in the form of suggestions or voting. $5 tier will get high-res + PSD’s when appropriate.

    What kind of projects?

    To mix it up and provide patrons and myself with something fresh every month, this reward will change occasionally between a few different ideas, such as:

  • Request Posts (similar to the ones I do now but much more infrequent to make them special when I choose to do them, and the pictures will be finished)
  • Transformation Sequences
  • Finished Pictures (request for completion of old subjects)
  • Word/Idea Prompts focused on specific subjects (fanart, transformation types, etc)
  • Vote Adventures (where I provide a list of options and the group votes on the outcome of each step)
  • One-off comic pages
  • And others (feel free to suggest monthly topic types if you have any good ideas!)

  1. The tertiary reward is all other art posted monthly for patrons to enjoy, this is already the case, but I am officially making it a reward. This doesn’t include work on private projects or pay projects outside of my personal work, but will include most/all commissions.

    So even if I’m a bit lazy posting every month to every other site, you’ll get to see all of my art. This includes many things I haven’t/won’t post anywhere else.

And that’s it, the end result should be a reduction in sketches as my primary output and an increase in higher quality work like the short sequences and comics I used to put out regularly.

I’m hoping this new direction appeals to everyone, as it’s what I’d rather be making :B

Thanks again everyone for making this such a success!


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